How to Train Dogs to Detect Bed Bugs

Train Dogs to Detect Bed Bugs

By ThermoPest – Your Local Pest Control Experts When it comes to finding bed bugs, we humans sometimes miss the mark. But for dogs, with their incredible sense of smell, it’s a whole different story. Dogs have become a key part of bed bug detection, and their ability to sniff out these pests, even in […]

The Economic Impact of Bed Bugs

Economic Impact of Bed Bugs

By ThermoPest – Your Local Pest Control Experts When you think about bed bugs, the first thing that probably comes to mind is the itching and sleepless nights they cause. But have you ever considered the financial impact these tiny pests can have? Bed bug infestations don’t just affect your comfort—they can hit your wallet […]

Bed Bug Myths and Facts

Bed Bug Myths

By ThermoPest – Your Local Pest Control Experts When it comes to bed bugs, there are plenty of rumours and myths floating around. Whether it’s horror stories from a friend or misinformation picked up online, it can be tricky to separate fact from fiction. Unfortunately, believing in these myths can lead to unnecessary panic or […]

The Role of Bed Bugs in Epidemiology Studies

The Role of Bed Bugs

By ThermoPest – Your Local Pest Control Experts Let’s face it—bed bugs are the house guests nobody wants. They sneak in, they bite, and once they settle down, they can be incredibly difficult to evict. But apart from being an itchy nuisance, have you ever wondered what role bed bugs play in public health and […]

Bed Bug Infestations in Historical Hotels

Bed Bug Infestations

By ThermoPest – Your Local Pest Control Experts Hotels have always been places of comfort and refuge, whether you’re seeking a night’s rest after a long journey or a luxurious stay in a bustling city. But, throughout history, there’s been one guest who’s always overstayed their welcome—bed bugs. As long as there have been hotels, […]

How Bed Bugs Re-emerged in the 21st Century

Bed Bugs Re emerged

By ThermoPest – Your Local Pest Control Experts It’s hard to believe now, but there was once a time when bed bugs were practically a thing of the past. In the mid-20th century, thanks to some pretty strong chemicals (we’ll get to that), bed bugs were on the brink of disappearing. So, how did we […]

Bed Bugs During Wartime: A Hidden Enemy

Bed Bugs During Wartime

By ThermoPest – Your Local Bed Bug Specialists When we think of war, we usually picture the chaos of battle, the bravery of soldiers, and the hardships of life on the front lines. But there’s another enemy that’s plagued armies for centuries—one that’s small, sneaky, and often forgotten in the grand retelling of history: bed […]

Historical Methods of Bed Bug Control

Historical Methods of Bed Bug

By ThermoPest – Your Local Pest Control Experts If you’ve ever had to deal with bed bugs, you know the frustration they can cause. Those tiny, biting pests seem like a modern-day nightmare, but guess what? They’ve been tormenting people for thousands of years. Bed bugs have been unwelcome guests in homes across the globe […]

The Rise and Fall of Bed Bug Infestations in the 20th Century

Rise an Fall of Bed Bug

When you think of bed bugs, you probably imagine them as a modern-day nuisance. But here’s the thing: Bed bugs have been around forever, and they really made themselves at home in the 20th century. It was a rollercoaster of a century for these little pests. From booming infestations to almost disappearing, and then bouncing […]

Bed Bugs in Ancient Civilisations

Bed Bugs in Ancient Civilisations

A History of Unwanted Guests Bed bugs. Just hearing the word makes you start to itch, doesn’t it? Now, imagine living in ancient times, without any of the modern pest control we rely on today. These pesky critters have been around for thousands of years, bothering everyone from Egyptian pharaohs to Roman emperors, and even […]

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