15% discount on all bed bug heat treatment services.

30 Days Complete Eradication Guarantee*

Bed Bug Treatment in Brighton

Brighton’s coastline, diverse cultural, music and arts scene and unique shopping areas attract many visitors, who swell the local population — especially at peak times.

Unfortunately, busy hotels, guest houses, B&Bs, restaurants, retail outlets and so on are havens for bed bugs. Large numbers of infestations have affected Brighton businesses and homes for many years

Dealing with a bed bug infestation is a major challenge that requires a reliable and comprehensive bed bug treatment service.

At ThermoPest, we guarantee 100-percent effective bed bug treatment for Brighton homes and businesses, using our heat treatment process. 

One visit from our bed bug exterminator will kill all life stages of the bug.

Our team works rapidly, discreetly and affordably to eradicate bed bugs in homes and businesses across the Brighton and Hove area.

Why does Brighton have a bed bug problem?

To thrive, bed bugs need human blood to feed on, hiding places and warmth. And to spread, they need something to latch onto that helps them make their way to the next location.

Where humans meet and travel in large numbers, like in Brighton, bed bugs can spread rapidly.

If someone arrives in Brighton having been exposed to bed bugs on a train seat, for instance, the bugs can easily find a new home in a hotel, hostel, residence or other location. If blood hosts are available in the new location, numbers can multiply rapidly.

Most pesticide-based bed bug treatments fail to kill all stages of the bed bug: (eggs, nymphs and adults). Bed bugs have also built resistance to some insecticides. Additionally, only the bugs in direct contact with the chemical are killed.

This means that even repeated visits from pest controllers over several weeks rarely eradicate all traces of the pest.

bed bug treatment Brighton

Bed bug heat treatment for Brighton homes and businesses

Heat treatment is the most reliable method of eradicating bed bugs once and for all.

Our bed bug exterminator service uses special high-powered convection heaters to heat rooms to temperatures that bed bugs and other pests like textile moths and fleas cannot withstand (49°C – 60°C):

  • Heat kills all adults, nymphs and eggs 
  • Most exterminations are completed in 5-6 hours in a single visit
  • No toxic waste is left behind in your home/business.

Our Brighton bed bug treatment guarantee

Our 30-day guarantee for bed bug heat treatment in Brighton means that if the bed bugs are not eradicated in one visit, we’ll return and complete the job for free:

If any signs of bed bug activity are detected within 30 days, we re-treat the area at no additional cost.

Bed bug removal services in Brighton

Bed bugs can travel around not only inside a room but also from home to home and business to business.

Our bed bug removal services cover the following types of properties:

If your business is in Brighton but doesn’t fall into one of these categories and you’re facing a bed bug problem, contact us for a quote.

bed bug treatment near me
Our Brighton bed bug exterminators are fast and discreet…

Our bed bug exterminator team minimises the disruption to your home or business and protects your reputation with fast and discreet action against infestations.

The sooner you let us know if you suspect a problem, the sooner we can get to work and the simpler the solution should be.

We usually require just ONE visit in ONE day. If the entire home needs heat treatment, as is sometimes the case if the infestation has spread, this can generally be completed in 5-6 hours.

We work in unmarked uniforms and from unmarked vans and the treatment is invisible from outside the property.

Bed bug prevention and monitoring in Brighton

Once a bed bug infestation has been eradicated, preventing the bugs from returning is the next challenge.

For businesses that have worked hard to establish their reputations, bed bugs can rapidly undo the good work.

ThermoPest provides ongoing bed bug monitoring and prevention services for high-risk Brighton businesses. We can schedule regular visits to ensure your property remains bed-bug-free.

ThermoPest Bed Bug Treatment Brighton
1 Gloucester Pl,
Brighton and Hove,

Hours: 24/7

Call: 07460 870408

Email: Office@pest.co.uk

bed bug treatment Brighton Bed Bug Treatment in Brighton

Talk to us about Bed Bug Pest Control

Call us on 0808 189 2310 - or complete our Free Quote Form below.
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Bed Bug Removal Experts

Top rated bed bug heat treatment experts in Brighton

bed bug treatment Brighton Bed Bug Treatment in Brighton

Emergency Call-outs

Guaranteed quick and rapid responses to urgent infestations

bed bug treatment Brighton Bed Bug Treatment in Brighton

Contract Work

For ongoing problems, use our preventative contracts

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