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Bed Bug Traps: Your Ultimate Solution for a Pest-Free Home

Welcome to ThermoPest, the trusted provider of innovative pest control solutions. We understand that bed bugs can be a nightmare, which is why we offer a specialised range of bed bug traps designed to effectively combat these unwelcome guests.

Why Choose Our Bed Bug Traps?

Our bed bug traps are expertly crafted to provide maximum efficiency in detecting and capturing bed bugs. Unlike traditional methods, our traps offer a safe and effective way to monitor and reduce bed bug populations without chemicals. Our traps are an essential tool in any integrated pest management strategy.

Features of Our Bed Bug Traps:

  • Non-toxic and Eco-friendly: Our traps are designed to be environmentally friendly, making them safe for homes with children and pets.
  • Easy to Use: Simply place our bed bug traps under mattresses, bed frames, or any suspected infestation area to start capturing bugs immediately.
  • Effective Monitoring: Our traps not only capture bed bugs but also provide a reliable way to monitor infestation levels and assess the effectiveness of other treatments.

How Do Our Bed Bug Traps Work?

Our traps use a combination of attractants and innovative design to lure bed bugs in and trap them effectively. Once trapped, the bugs cannot escape, allowing you to monitor their numbers and take further action if necessary.

Benefits of Using ThermoPest Bed Bug Traps:
  • Cost-effective Solution: Our traps are an affordable way to manage bed bug issues without constant recurring costs.
  • Peace of Mind: With our traps, you can sleep comfortably knowing that any sign of bed bugs will be detected early.
  • Complementary to Heat Treatments: While our primary service at ThermoPest is heat treatment, our traps act as an excellent complement, ensuring long-term control and prevention of bed bug re-infestation.
Why Trust ThermoPest?

ThermoPest is dedicated to providing cutting-edge solutions for bed bug control. We have years of experience in pest control and are committed to the highest standards of customer satisfaction. Our bed bug traps are part of our wider range of products designed to offer effective, eco-friendly pest control options.

Order Your Bed Bug Traps Today

Take control of your home with ThermoPest’s bed bug traps. Protect your home and family from the discomfort and inconvenience of a bed bug infestation. Order directly from our website or contact our expert team for more information on how our traps can help you achieve a peaceful, pest-free home.

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Bed Bug Traps
Rated 0 out of 5

bed bug products

Ultimate Bed Bug Detection Package

Bed Bug Detector ( 5 pack ) & Bed Bug Slider ( 4 Pack ) A fusion of our bed bug detector and bed bug slider provides comprehensive monitoring coverage....

Original price was: £35.00.Current price is: £30.00.

Stock Out

Bed Bug Traps
Rated 0 out of 5

bed bug products

Bed Bug Slider (Pack of 4)

The Bed Bug Slider is designed to catch bed bugs as a monitoring tool. Identify the first signs of a bed bug infestation Bed Bugs and insects find the textured base appealing...


Stock Out

Bed Bug Traps
Rated 0 out of 5

bed bug products

Bed Bug Detector (5 Pack)

The bed bug detector is an easy to use and cost-effective bed bug monitoring device. The trap provides industry-leading efficacy, trapping bed bugs at all stages of development. For use as a...


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