15% discount on all bed bug heat treatment services.

30 Days Complete Eradication Guarantee*

Bed Bug Treatment in Southampton

Southampton is one of the cultural, retail and commercial centres of the south of England, attracting business visitors and tourists alike.

While this boosts the local economy with thriving hotels, meeting venues, restaurants, retail outlets and transport facilities, the bed bug problem in Southampton homes and businesses has worsened in recent years.

The local government even has a webpage dedicated to bed bug treatment in Southampton.

Bed bugs are resilient and versatile pests that move from business to business and home to home. To eradicate them is no small challenge because most common bed bug treatment services fail to kill all life stages of the bugs.

ThermoPest’s bed bug treatment for Southampton homes and businesses is guaranteed. Our bed bug exterminator will kill all traces of bed bugs or we’ll return and re-treat the area free of charge.

Our team works rapidly, discreetly and affordably in Southampton homes and businesses to remove all traces of bed bugs.

Why does Southampton have a bed bug problem?

Bed bugs will thrive if they are introduced to a place with a plentiful supply of human blood on which to feed and warm hiding places.

By latching onto everyday items like luggage, clothing, shoes and handbags, the bed bugs spread to other locations concealed in the seams and crevices.

The bed bug problem has become more serious in Southampton in recent years largely due to two reasons:

  1. The busy city — with large numbers of visitors — provides ideal conditions for the bed bugs to thrive and spread.
  2. Most bed bug treatments in Southampton don’t kill all traces of the pest and the bugs are often resistant to the pesticides used.

The bad news for any home or business electing to use pesticide-based bed bug treatment is that the success rate is not very high — even after multiple visits over several weeks.

bed bug treatment Southampton

Effective bug heat treatment in Southampton

Bed bug heat treatment is the most effective and reliable method of eradicating the pest.


We heat the room to temperatures that no bed bug adult, nymph or egg can survive in, using high-powered convection heaters.

No chemicals are involved. This means that resistance to our treatment is impossible and even well-hidden bugs at any stage of life (including eggs) cannot escape extermination.

Most bed bug heat treatments require only a single visit and a few hours at your premises.

Our Southampton bed bug treatment guarantee

Our bed bug removal service will eradicate all traces of the pest in a Southampton home or business that we treat. We even guarantee it:

If any signs of bed bug activity are detected within 30 days, we re-treat the area at no additional cost.

Bed bug exterminator services in Southampton

Bed bugs can easily move around inside a room, between rooms or to another property entirely by “hitching a ride”.

ThermoPest’s bed bug exterminator services are mostly requested by the following types of properties in the Southampton area:

If your business is in Southampton but doesn’t fall into one of these categories and you’re facing a bed bug problem,
contact us for a free quote.

bed bug treatment near me
Fast and discreet bed bug removal in Southampton…

ThermoPest looks to minimise the disruption and potential reputational damage to homeowners and business owners with our quick and discreet pest control treatments.

If an infestation is caught in its early stages, treatment may be relatively simple. However, many bed bug infestations go unnoticed and have already spread by the time we’re called.

However, the majority of treatments (except larger hotels with many rooms or other larger properties) are completed in a single visit in a single day.

Because we work in unmarked uniforms and from unmarked vans, with no pipes running into the building, a casual observer would not know we are there to eliminate bed bugs.

Bed bug prevention and monitoring in Southampton

The adverse reputational damage of repeated bed bug infestations means that high-risk businesses in Southampton must prevent bed bugs from returning. 

ThermoPest provides ongoing bed bug monitoring and prevention services for Southampton businesses, with regular visits to ensure your property remains bed-bug-free.

ThermoPest Bed Bug Treatment Southampton

3 Queensway
floor 1
SO14 3QX

Hours: 24/7

Call: 07460 988764

Email: Office@pest.co.uk

bed bug treatment southampton Bed Bug Treatment in Southampton

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bed bug treatment southampton Bed Bug Treatment in Southampton

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